1. Senior Associate

    Working on some major applications like MSF - (Covid Support Grant) and SafeEntry APIs. Press Release …

  2. Business Associate

    Joined CTS as full-stack developer. Tech-stack includes Ruby on Rails, ReactJS, AWS, Docker. …

  3. Senior Ruby Developer

    Moved to Singapore and joined Canopy as backend/devops engineer and worked extensively in Ruby on Rails, Python and AWS. Used various aws services EC2, IAM, Route53, ECR, CodeBuild, S3, SQS, RDS, Cognito, CloudWatch, CloudTrail. Migrated the microservice system to a serverless system using API Gateway and Lambda. Wrote various python script for our client success team to automate their daily analytics work. Configured and used Rancher to manage deployment instances on top of Kubernetes. Designed and maintained restful services using GrapeAPI library. Worked on the following Frontend and Backend apps. …

  4. Technical Lead

    Worked in Incedo Inc. as lead engineer, provided technical leadership to dev and ops team ensuring timely delivery with quality. Led and worked with team of developers to deliver high quality software using Agile methodology. Provided guidance to developers in technical design and strategy with architectural best practices. Led by example and involved in hands-on application development and deployment. Dockerized the platform. Implemented the CI/CD workflow using CircleCi. Redesigned and wrote the whole application UI using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap and jQuery. …

  5. Senior IT Operations Specialist

    Worked in McKc as operations specialist and majorly worked on their alumni portal Alumni Center. Configured, monitored and maintained their LAMP cloud infrastructure. Worked on New Relic to tackle performance issues of the application. Wrote unit test cases for almost every features using RSpec. …

  6. Senior Software Engineer

    Was the senior member of the team worked on most of the client products CMS, SS1, SS2 and maintained old ones. Implemented internationalization using I18n library. Upgraded rails from 2.x.x to 5.x.x. Segregated the transactional data on MongoDB and configurational on MySql. …

  7. Software Engineer

    Got promoted to Software Engineer after completing my 6 months with the company. And it was then worked sole on the two main products of client i.e EGW1 and EGW2. The client was working on V2T domain, and these two portal was made for their wholesale customers. Built a queuing layer using RabbitMQ. Leveraged Capistrano for deployment in dev-to-prod environment. Consumed, produced, and designed RESTful web services using Ruby on Rails. Wrote Chef recipes to ease on cloud to on perm migration. …

  8. Software Engineer Trainee

    After completing graduation (Bachelors in Computer Science) in 2012, started working in IT industry with Incedo Inc. (formerly Indiabulls Technology Solutions Limited), it is a service based company which majorly works for clients and joined their ruby development team. Trained myself in Ruby on Rails and MySql. Started contributing with bug fixes, deploying application in dev and staging environments using Capistrano. Wrote various Ruby and Shell script to facilitates day to day automation and db migrations. Made various collaterals on ruby/rails best practises and product architectures. …